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Vaal Marina Town Board

Rate Payers & Associations

Greater Vaal Marina Area

The Vaal Marina Rate Payers & Association is a non-political, non-profit, civic organization whose core business and formation is to ensure fair best practice in local government and to ensure the sustainability of its immediate natural environment and life style. The Association is a legal entity in itself with a proper constitution and true desire to offer representation to all, within Ward 1, Midvaal Municipal area. The Board and its Association representatives calls upon all Ratepayers and residents of The Greater Vaal Marina Area to take hands and stand up against any municipality irrespective of whom it is run by who fail to deliver services that ratepayers expect and pay for.

As an inhabitant of the area and as part of the community who provide the economic lifeblood to municipalities, we need to unite as ratepayers and citizens by exercising our right and obligation to hold the municipality accountable for its actions and in so doing, to form strong alliances with associations and other citizens’ lobby groups. This organisation has made it clear that they have no political agenda. Any community is only as strong as its membership base, so as as an inhabitant you must get involved by standing up for our rights and work together to ensure our future.

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