Queries and Complaints
General complaints
Can be phoned into MIDVAAL on 016 3607486 and or emailed to: complaints@midvaal.gov.za
Major complaints
Please insist on a reference number as the more that each individual complains, the more reference numbers they have to answer for.
You can also make use of there online system below. Click on it to be taken to the form.
Request it or Report it Online Form by clicking Here
Please Request a reference number on each complaint or query that is sent through to Midvaal. This is required so that the councilors may follow up or query the parties as to why no action was taken. We are told by Wayne that according to the record used at these meetings, Vaal Marina has very few. If he has different info then he can argue the facts on your behalf.
To try to add value to the end user we have created an online process here for us to follow up for you.