Online RPA Membership Form

R150 /member/year
For complex units ie. Property development companies / share block and or Sectional Title units, are required to pledge an of amount of R1500.00 per annum thereby representing all their members.
For online registration please begin the process below. You will then recieve an email from us whereby you can then log into the site and fill in your details. Once that is done you will be sent an emailed invoice for payment.
Should you have any questions please dont hesitate to contact us.
Directors: E.J Bothma, W.A Van Der Walt, W.H Birkenstock, E Gouws , E.M.M Vermeulen
Banking Details:-
Vaal Marina Ratepayers & Associations.
FNB, Heidelberg Mall,
Branch Code: 210654
Account No: 62 846 067 157
You can Download the form here and send it to us if you want.