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Documentation representing the draft Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and the Environmental Management Programme Reports  (EMP).

Prime Spot Trading 11 (Pty) Ltd, (Prime Spot), has applied for a mining right & associated waste management licence over a portion of portion
1 of the Farm Vischgat 467IR (approximately 95 hectares) During the application process the portion of land has been sub-divided and is now known as Portion 59 of the Farm Vischgat 467IR.
The application is to mine aggregate and stone via opencast mining methods. Pertinent information to this application is;
  • The application is preceded by a prospecting right (GP 10198 PR) in the name of Prime Spot
  • There was an established mining operation on the site (not Prime Spot), which has resulted in a small quarry & a disturbed footprint associated with the old crushing plant and stockpiles.
The Final Scoping Report for the application was accepted by the Department of Mineral Resources (DMR) on the 23rd of February 2017.

Public participation

Public participation is a widely used term that describes information sharing between an applicant and various role players commonly referred to as stakeholders or interested and affected parties (I&APs).  These role players encompass representatives and individuals from a diverse range of groups including:

• Landowners,
• NGO’s,
• Decision makers on all levels of government, and
• Any other individual, company or organisation that has a particular interest in the project.

The public participation process is predominantly carried out as part of a legal environmental authorisation process, such as; Mining and/or Prospecting Applications,  Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs), Basic Assessments, Waste Licences, Atmospheric Emissions Licences (AEL) and Water Use Licence (WUL).  Although the requirements for public participation processes may differ between these environmental authorisations, the fundamental principles of transparency, fairness and reasonableness are enshrined as the core values of public participation in all environmental authorisation processes.

In an attempt to reach as many people as possible, Umhlaba Environmental Consulting has created this web site as one of the ways of making documents available to I&APs.


If you are accessing information from this web site we would like to request that you please do the following:

1. Register with us as an I&AP) either using the details on this web site (see contact details left of page) or by filling in your details on the web site (register here). Even if you do not wish to make any comment on the document(s) we request that you register with us to enable us to determine the public’s interest in the project/ development.

2. Comment: After reviewing the relevant document(s) please submit your comments to us in writing (as required by the Regulations).

Comments must be received within the timeline stated on the file name of the relevant document. Comment sheets will be e-mailed to you when you register as an I&AP but can also be download with the documents listed under each project.  You may also request that a comment sheet be sent to you via alternate means using the details on this website

Please note that both POSITIVE and NEGATIVE comments are requested.


• Should you contact Umhlaba and submit comments on an environmental authorisation which is being subjected to a public participation process, then it is our responsibility to;
• Act as an independent environmental assessment practitioner (EAP),

Record and present all comments received and response to these comments within the documentation that forms part of the environmental authorisation submission. It is these documents that the authorities will consider to make an informed decision.


Please note, where I&AP comments are required to be submitted during a specified comment period, the date displayed in the file name of the report is the deadline for submission of comments. For other reports, the date displayed will refer to the audit date/date of completion of the report / the submission date.

Prime Spot Trading – Vischgat Mining Right Application:
Comments to please be provided by 31 May 2017
Prime Spot – GP 10049 MR -EIA EMPr_Draft Report (31 May 2017)
Prime Spot – GP 10049 MR – EIA EMPr_ Appendix A4 – Groundwater
Prime Spot – GP 10049 MR – EIA EMPr_ Appendix A5 Heritage
Prime Spot – GP 10049 MR -EIA EMPr_Appendix A8 – Blasting
Prime Spot – GP 10049 MR – EIA EMPr_Appendix A11 – Financial Provision